In recent times, there is a change in habits and customs, with people leaning towards a healthier life style, where sport is gaining much more importance. In the same respect, mountain sports like snow shoes are beginning to gain acceptance by many who do not want to resign to the mountain in the winter months.
This type of competition offers a great opportunity for the runners of the mountain in summer, who want to continue enjoying their passion in winter with the incentive of the snow covered scenery. It is a great opportunity to experience new sensations in the mountain without having to develop a new skillful technic for years, since it is a sport that in a small amount of time you can reach an acceptable level of skill.
There are different types of snow shoes, those used for walking on easy terrain, although a bit steep, taking into account the bulge in the form of a tail in the rear part of the shoe. Others and probably the most common are the mountain variety which are prepared for terrains tht are much steeper and inclined than their predecessors and last but not least the snow shoes specific for the practice of Snow Running, which are lighter and have a smaller area of support than their walking companion with a system of attachment subject either by straps or with an anchoring system to a special boot.
You can find the entire report in the edition numbered 205 of December 2014 of the magazine Grandes Espacios where they mention among other things the origin of the sport and the most appropriate equipment to enjoy this sport to the fullest.
Special thanks to the team of Grandes Espacios – Desnivel for making us participants of this article.